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Germantown lost to Vikings on Friday, 21-3

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    Garrett Orgas Fisher celebrating

    Garrett Orgas Fisher: Photo by Richard Miller

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    Warren Central High School football team took down Germantown 21-3 on Friday night.

    Julien Demby and Ronnie Blossom made some big stops in the first quarter while quarterback Nash Morgan hit Zack Evans on a quick pass. The game remained scoreless at the end of the first quarter.

    Nash Morgan: Photo by Richard Miller

    Midway in the second quarter, TK Qualls laid a big hit which was followed up by a 65-yard pick 6 from Demby but it was called back due to penalty.Eric Collins Jr. ran for a 75 yard touchdown for WC that gave them their spark along with the good extra point by Jonah Artman.

    Eric Collin Jr: Photo by Richard Miller

    It wouldn’t take long for WC to score again as Garrett Orgas-Fisher caught a 61-yard pick 6 and the Vikings went up 14-0 heading into halftime.

    Garrett Orgas Fisher: Photo by Richard Miller

    Coming out of halftime, WC earned another score when Maddox Lynch threw a 74 yard touchdown to Evans.

    Germantown wouldn’t get on the board until late in the third quarter after a turnover from the Vikings which ultimately resulted in a field goal for the Mavericks.

    Shortly before the end of the game, the Mavericks pounded the ball down the field but the Viking defense stopped them on the 1-yard line for the turnover.

    WC went on to win 21-6 as they improved to 2-1 on the year and they will host Brandon on Friday.

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    Author: John Wilson

    Last Updated: 1702254121

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    Name: John Wilson

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    Introduction: My name is John Wilson, I am a artistic, resolved, vibrant, strong-willed, fearless, unwavering, exquisite person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.