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Following back-to-back losses, Dogecoin and Solana experience a comeback via Investingcom

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    Dogecoin and Solana rebound after consecutive losses © Reuters

    On Friday, (DOGE) and (SOL) managed to bounce back following two consecutive days of losses. DOGE witnessed a surge from a low of $0.05747 to an intraday peak of $0.05873, after finding support at the critical $0.0580 level. The next resistance level is expected to be at $0.0595. The relative strength index (RSI) for DOGE also rebounded, moving from 31.00 to an interim ceiling at 33.20, with the next potential level being 35.00.

    In a similar fashion, SOL rallied from a two-week low of $21.07 to reach an intraday high of $21.59, as traders capitalized on the dip near its own support level at $21.00. If the current price strength around 50.00 holds, market participants may aim to push SOL above the $22.00 mark over the weekend.

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    Author: Cindy Chavez

    Last Updated: 1704343203

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