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Because Putin has warned of a collapse of the US dollar, smart money is investing in ETH, FTM, and BTCS | CoinCodex

Astute investors are eyeing promising cryptocurrencies as a hedge against potential economic downturns in a financial landscape marked by increasing uncertainty and geopolitical tensions. Ethereum (ETH), Fantom (FTM), and Bitcoin Spark (BTCS) emerge as top choices for smart investors navigating this turbulent terrain. As global leaders, including Russia's President Vladimir Putin, forewarn about the potential collapse of the US dollar, the crypto market presents itself as an appealing alternative.

Bitcoin Spark (BTCS)


BTCS deploys the promise and potential of blockchain technology, attracting a surge of smart money seeking refuge and growth beyond traditional financial instruments. To augment decentralization and security, Bitcoin Spark encourages a more inclusive approach to mining through its Proof-of-Process protocol (PoP). The Bitcoin Spark application empowers users to partake in the ecosystem’s activities. With several nodes and lower initial and running costs, more individuals can access mining.

The aspect of Bitcoin Spark's development involves smart contract layers, enhancing the functionality and versatility of the platform. The implementation involves a multi-layer. As the project progresses, further advancements and updates are anticipated, solidifying its position in the ever-evolving cryptocurrency landscape.

BTCS has an ICO project ongoing, currently surging in phase seven, with one BTCS at $3.00 and a 7% bonus. Holders expect an ROI of 357% upon its November launch.

DXY Price


Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a caution about the stability of the global financial system anchored in the US dollar. He noted a declining share of the US economy and the outdated nature of the Bretton Woods system tied to the dollar. He notes that this imminent collapse underlines the increasing influence and relevance of cryptocurrencies in the finance world. The DXY price C (DX-Y.NYB) is at 105.68, indicating an increase within the last two months despite the recent interest rate announcement.

Fantom Crypto


Fantom is a dApps and smart contracts blockchain platform for instant transactions and low fees. It employs a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) for high throughput. Fantom strives to address scalability and transaction speed issues that challenge many blockchain networks. Utilizing a DAG-based approach enables faster consensus and validation of transactions, making it suitable for various applications, including DeFi (Decentralized Finance). FTM price has been oscillating around $0.18 with a market cap of $538M.

Solana Crypto


Solana's notable speed is a definite advantage, but striking the right balance between speed and security is pivotal for its sustained success. If Solana can demonstrate this equilibrium, it has the potential to flourish alongside innovative projects like Bitcoin Spark, marking an exciting evolution in the cryptocurrency landscape. Solana has also established itself as a strong contender in the NFT market space, offering efficient and cost-effective blockchain infrastructure for creators to mint, trade, and sell digital assets. Its prowess in Web3 gaming is notable, promising faster transactions, tokenized assets, and enriched gaming experiences. With the deployment of the Saga smartphone, running on Android and featuring Web3 functionality, Solana aims to enhance user accessibility and security, attracting crypto enthusiasts to its ecosystem. Considering these factors, investing in SOL seems poised for potential growth. SOL price has continued its rise since the start of October.

Learn more on BTCS and ICO:

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored article. The views and opinions presented in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of CoinCodex. The content of this article should not be considered as investment advice. Always do your own research before deciding to buy, sell or transfer any crypto assets.


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Author: Brooke Walton MD

Last Updated: 1700098922

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Name: Brooke Walton MD

Birthday: 1966-10-06

Address: 2113 Mccoy Canyon, Lake Earlhaven, WA 06880

Phone: +4372492311159106

Job: Article Writer

Hobby: Telescope Building, Calligraphy, Swimming, Embroidery, Snowboarding, Beer Brewing, Coffee Roasting

Introduction: My name is Brooke Walton MD, I am a dazzling, Adventurous, courageous, vibrant, steadfast, intrepid, fearless person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.